InstaBooked!! Is BACK. All new in 2024!

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Save $100 With An Insta-Worthy Content Audit & Action Plan 

Let me audit your Instagram or Facebook account and provide detailed feedback with a one month action plan and detailed shot list of instagrammable images and videos you can use across all social networks. 
- See why your Social Media isn't living up to its potential. 
- Get a TON of ideas
- Get a video plus outline with specific steps to improve your social media presence. 
- Includes ideas for growing your audience and tips for selling to your existing audience. 

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment of $449$449.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (3x $155.00)3x $155.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Students Love The Social Media Suitcase!
"Ask Jodi about her content planner and captions.  It's so helpful and a really great value.  The only one I've seen geared for vacation rentals. 
- Tanya Hughes
"I follow everything Jodi says and watch every video she posts. Her Instagram course is fantastic- I've been using Instagram for a while and I always learn something new from her. And the social media calendar is priceless! She is a true expert."  
- Andree McDonald, Southern Hospitality
"I feel that I learned something from every module, and am more confident on the platform now. I liked the pace and the amount of information you have included, and the way you illustrate everything step by step. The section on Canva was really useful, and I also love the planning tools you included. All in all I think your course has great content, is really well structured, and is very good value!"
- Josephine Murphry


Learn how to use Instagram through a 6-part guided audio series, plus a workbook. 

Optimize your profile for new followers - PLUS see the seldom-used feature that instantly builds connections. 

 Learn my secret engagement strategies to turn followers into guests! 

Create content themes based on your property and the experience you provide. 

Plan dream-worthy content to make potential guests dream about your property and guest experience!

Understand how Instagram marketing works.

Get a guided tour of the Instagram app with an explanation of key features for marketing your property.  

  • Total payment
  • 1xInstaBooked$0

All prices in USD
